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An orchard is the reflection of its owner and its values.

The Verger Labonté was first the dream of Diane Gareau and Claude Labonté who wanted to raise their children close to nature. In the 1980s, they cleared the land, planted trees and started the business in 1989. It was in this enchanting environment that they raised their three daughters.

The couple have developed a superb business, firmly rooted in the Perrotdam community. The quality of their apples and their succulent apple muffin recipe have cemented their reputation in the region.

In 2003, Diane and Claude chose to sell the business and move on to another phase of their life. That same year, Nathalie and Pierre are looking for a project that will bring them closer to nature. Nathalie is an occupational therapist and Pierre is an accountant. The couple have no experience in agriculture, but never mind: they become the new owners of Verger Labonté.



When Nathalie's children were very young, they could benefit from the benefits of the Orchard without necessarily participating, or very little. As they got older, they became more and more involved in the functioning of the Orchard.


This has never been truer than in 2020.

With the events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the business has truly become a family business. Social distancing required, it was more difficult to hire employees to do the work necessary for the survival of the Orchard.

Enter Thierry, Tristan and Émilie.

Thierry, the eldest, with his studies in finance, takes charge of the entire agricultural sector. It is he who ensures that the new totally natural cultivation methods are implemented correctly. He follows them closely and also manages new work teams when hiring resumes. Without his contribution, there would be no harvest this year.

Tristan, the cadet who excels in mechanics, took over the maintenance of the buildings and certain machinery. He ensures that everything is in good working order and that there are no breakdowns that affect operations. It maintains the engine which ensures the functioning of the Orchard.

Émilie, the youngest, who grew up on the orchard land, offers invaluable support by supporting her mother, her brothers and the work teams in various sectors throughout the season. For a few years now, she has been actively involved in promoting reason  to be from the Orchard, or to welcome our valued customers with empathy and  kindness.



In 2006, under the direction of Nathalie, the Verger was transformed.

It is no longer simply an orchard, it is a place of gathering and rejuvenation. Nathalie has always had this passion for greater harmony between human beings and nature. Le Verger Labonté is his way of sharing this intention with his neighbor.

The Orchard has become a pool for exploring creativity in all its forms. This is what made it possible to discover new varieties of apples created in Quebec, to innovate in more natural insect control techniques and to create games with the intention of contributing.

The corn mazes, in addition to being a place of escape and play, allows fundraising to help the less fortunate here and elsewhere.

Our  Team


The Verger family is not limited to Nathalie, Thierry, Tristan and Émilie. Many are those who have contributed to the survival and development of Verger Labonté.

The extended family collaborated and contributed to the success of the Orchard: parents, uncles and aunts, Nathalie's sister and her family.

Many people, who have known, through the years, through their passage, their collaboration and their support, to keep a very precious bond, bring this bond of belonging, which we call here, the Large Family of the Orchard.   

Some now reside overseas and others live nearby, some come regularly and others drop by once in a while. Some are people of experience, and others are starting their first job, but all of them collaborate in this beautiful community and have a common goal at heart: to co-create in order to contribute, for the good of all.

Without the members of our team, who maintain the orchard, take part in the thinning, weeding, harvesting, grading and peeling of the fruit. Without those who prepare our products in the kitchen, who participate in the creation and management of activities, who welcome customers, answer questions and guide visitors, the Orchard would not be what it is today.

Thanks to many collaborators who advise, develop, build, repair, create, decorate, listen, support, supply and collaborate on our project, it is possible for us to offer you an environment that radiates kindness.

The Verger Labonté… it's all these beautiful people!

Nathalie Gervais, as owner, is the face of Verger Labonté.

The heart and soul of Le Verger is her and all the friends, family, and those who have supported her for all these years.

At Verger Labonté, we go well beyond the apple. We are a pool of love to welcome human beings.

woman in the field

Agro-tourism director

Do you have management experience, do you have a passion for organization and do you have good knowledge of the tourism industry in Quebec?

We would love to meet you! 

Job offer: agro-tourism director


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Nam eu dapibus ex, nec gravida lacus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc vitae feugiat augue, interdum ullamcorper nisl. Aenean ac orci tortor. Aenean ultrices, enim vitae faucibus lobortis, nunc sapien viverra mi, vel eleifend orci ante at est. Pellentesque pharetra velit nibh, in euismod risus mattis et. Sed at interdum libero. In non nisl ut urna pharetra finibus eu nec diam. Curabitur ac tincidunt tellus.


Quisque quis magna dignissim tellus posuere ultrices non ut augue. Fusce ullamcorper vel lacus eu finibus. Morbi arcu velit, imperdiet vel maximus a, varius ac dui. Donec a ipsum ut massa egestas porta vitae sit amet justo. Donec porttitor sit amet turpis non hendrerit. Nullam sagittis sollicitudin est, in laoreet sem dapibus id. Curabitur feugiat sit amet odio non fringilla. Sed mattis augue erat, quis bibendum odio finibus eget. Maecenas vel auctor mauris. Donec rutrum sollicitudin orci, quis interdum ex mattis eu. Donec et luctus lectus. Suspendisse et felis id neque faucibus sagittis ac eget ex. Cras elementum arcu ac magna fringilla auctor.

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